Eileen Fine – Homework Coach and K-6 Tutor
I am the Homework Coach and K-6 Tutor you need.
Is your student arguing with you to get their homework completed? Does your student need help with organizing assignments or planning projects? Do they need help prioritizing their work? Does your student need K-6 subject tutoring?
This is where the Homework Coach comes in! Let ME work with your student. Together we will create a daily and weekly list of homework tasks — and work towards accomplishing them, We will organize his/her classwork and review it on a regular basis. In doing this, they will be ready for their quizzes and tests.
Furthermore, I also offer K-6 subject tutoring in all elementary subjects. With my guidance and instruction, your student will gain an understanding of the topics with which they are having difficulty. For that reason we’ll work on study skills such as note-taking, answering questions completely and explaining the content in differing formats.
I will work in person OR we can do virtual sessions.
Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 203-214-9654
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550818254827
I will help your student get organized. The more organized they are, the more they will be ready for their classes AND the more confident they will be!
I will work with your student to get organized on a daily and weekly basis. With this purpose in mind, we will create a schedule of homework completion as well as build in time to study for assessments.
I can work with your child in person or virtual sessions.
“The expert in anything was once a beginner.” ~Helen Hayes
“Preparation is the key to success.” ~Alexander Graham Bell
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.“ ~ Robert Collier